Request a Fitness for Work Form




Your first sick note request The Fit note eMed3 is a legal document based on an assessment undertaken by a healthcare professional about your fitness to work.

If you can provide proof of specifically being assessed by any healthcare professional on the date you wish it to start, please bring this in to the surgery for scanning into your medical notes and an eMed3 will be issued.

If you have not been assessed please book an appointment for this to be done you can access the practice via the phone, in person or by completing an e-consult.

In this instance the eMed3 start would begin when you are assessed.

Please complete our online form

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Fit (Sick) Note

You do not need a sick note for the first 7 days of an illness - you can still self-certify your illness.

For isolating due to COVID-19 you can get an isolation note for up to 14 days here:

If you have been ill for 7 days or less you don’t need to see a Doctor. You can complete a Self Certification form yourself. However some employers insist on a Doctor’s note regardless. A Doctors note under these circumstances may involve a charge. Many employers have their own self-certification forms. If your employer doesn’t have its own form your can complete the Employee's Statement of Sickness (SC2) form online

When you’ve filled in the form give it to your employer, it will help them decide if you can get SSP. Keep a copy for your own information.

E.g. could you work from home, do fewer hours, or do different tasks at work?
Personal Details

Please provide your details to help us find your record. If you are filling this in on behalf of someone else, please enter their details.

Please double check you've entered the correct email address
May be used to identify you

Please confirm your details are correct

Date of Birth:


Phone Number:


Query: Fit (Sick) Note

Have you already had a note about this?

Tell us briefly about your illness or medical problem

When would you like the note to start? When do you think you can return to work?

If possible, is there anything your employer could do to help you return sooner?

Privacy Consent

This form collects personal and medical information about you. We use this information to allow the practice team to contact you. Please read our Privacy Policy to discover how we protect and manage your submitted data.


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